Javed Akhtar


Is Javed Akhtar Dead or Still Alive? Javed Akhtar Birthday and Age

Javed Akhtar

How Old Is Javed Akhtar? Javed Akhtar Birthday

Javed Akhtar was born on January 17, 1945 and is 79 years old now.

Birthday: January 17, 1945
How Old - Age: 79

Javed Akhtar Death Fact Check

Javed is alive and kicking and is currently 79 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Javed Akhtar - Biography

Javed Akhtar Urdu: جاوید اختر‎; born 17 January 1945) is a poet, lyricist and scriptwriter from India. Akhtar is a mainstream writer and some of his most successful work was carried out with Salim Khan as half of the script-writing duo credited as Salim-Javed between 1971 to 1982. He is a recipient of the Padma Shri (1999), Padma Bhushan (2007), the Sahitya Akademi Award as well as thirteen Filmfare Awards.