JD Souther


Is JD Souther Dead or Still Alive? JD Souther Birthday and Age

JD Souther

How Old Is JD Souther? JD Souther Birthday

JD Souther was born on November 3, 1945 and is 79 years old now.

Birthday: November 3, 1945
How Old - Age: 79

JD Souther Death Fact Check

J.D is alive and kicking and is currently 79 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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JD Souther - Biography

John David Souther (born November 2, 1945), commonly abbreviated as JD Souther, is an American musician, singer-songwriter, and actor. He has written and co-written numerous hit songs recorded by artists such as Linda Ronstadt and the Eagles.
As a musician and songwriter, he was greatly influenced in his formative years by fellow Texan and rock and roll icon Roy Orbison. His first recordings were with local group "The Cinders" who traveled to nearby Norman Petty Studios in Clovis, NM. Their first 45 was released on the tiny RIC label in 1965, then Norman Petty successfully shopped their recordings to Warner Brothers for a 2nd single release as "John David and The Cinders" in 1966. After moving to Los Angeles County, California in the late 1960s, Souther met musician and songwriter Glenn Frey. The two musicians became roommates and musical collaborators. Souther and Frey formed a folk duo called Longbranch Pennywhistle. Their lone album was released in 1970 on Jimmy Bowen's Amos Records.

In 1987, he contributed, performed, and did the vocal arrangements for the Roy Orbison and Friends: A Black and White Night concert and video, sang the Platters' "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" in Steven Spielberg's 1989 film Always, and wrote the theme song to the 1989-1992 sitcom Anything But Love. In 1987, he collaborated as guest vocals on Clannad's album Sirius.
Souther married Alexandra Sliwin in March 1969, but divorced in 1972. He dated Linda Ronstadt and Stevie Nicks in the 1970s. Judee Sill's song "Jesus Was a Crossmaker" was written for Souther, who she says broke her heart after a short affair. In December 2002, Souther moved from the Hollywood Hills, California, to Nashville, Tennessee. In 2004, he married Sarah Nicholson from Bansha, Ireland but they divorced in 2010.