Jerry Quarry


Is Jerry Quarry Dead or Still Alive? Jerry Quarry Birthday and Date of Death

Jerry Quarry

Jerry Quarry Death

Jerry passed away on January 3, 1999 at the age of 53 in Templeton, California, United States.

Jerry Quarry death quick facts:
  • When did Jerry Quarry die?

    January 3, 1999
  • How old was Jerry Quarry when died?

  • Where did Jerry Quarry die? What was the location of death?

    Templeton, California, United States

Jerry Quarry Birthday and Date of Death

Jerry Quarry was born on May 14, 1945 and died on January 3, 1999. Jerry was 53 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 14, 1945
Date of Death: January 3, 1999
Age at Death: 53

Jerry Quarry - Biography

Jerry Quarry (May 15, 1945 – January 3, 1999), nicknamed "Irish" or "The Bellflower Bomber", was an American heavyweight boxer. Quarry was rated by Ring Magazine as the most popular fighter in the sport, from 1968 to 1971, during the peak of his career. His most famous bouts were against world champions Floyd Patterson, Jimmy Ellis, Joe Frazier, Muhammad Ali and Ken Norton. His professional career record of 53 wins-9 losses-4 draws included wins over some of the best heavyweights of his era, 1965–75. Quarry also had a remarkably successful amateur boxing career. Also briefly a Hollywood actor, Quarry appeared in a number of television roles, and also played a recurring character on the show Adam-12. His younger brother, Mike Quarry, was also a high-ranked contender in the light heavyweight division.