Jessica Jaymes


Is Jessica Jaymes Dead or Still Alive? Jessica Jaymes Birthday and Date of Death

Jessica Jaymes

Jessica Jaymes Death

Jessica passed away on September 17, 2019 at the age of 40 in North Hills, Los Angeles, California, USA.

Jessica Jaymes death quick facts:
  • When did Jessica Jaymes die?

    September 17, 2019
  • How old was Jessica Jaymes when died?

  • Where did Jessica Jaymes die? What was the location of death?

    North Hills, Los Angeles, California, USA

Jessica Jaymes Birthday and Date of Death

Jessica Jaymes was born on March 8, 1979 and died on September 17, 2019. Jessica was 40 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 8, 1979
Date of Death: September 17, 2019
Age at Death: 40

Jessica Jaymes - Biography

Jessica Jaymes (born March 8, 1979) is an American pornographic actress. She is known for being Hustler's first contract model and the "Hustler Honey of the Year" in 2004 and the August 2008 Penthouse Pet of the Month.
Jaymes's adult film career began in the summer of 2002. Her stage name was a combination of her real first name and the first name of her then-lover, James. In 2004 she became Hustler Video's first contract model and the "Hustler Honey of the Year". She did exclusively all-female work until 2005 when she began appearing alongside male performers.

In August 2008 she was the Penthouse Pet of the Month. She co-founded the pornographic film studio Spizoo in 2008.
Jaymes was found unconscious at her home in North Hills near Los Angeles on September 17, 2019, and pronounced dead at the scene. She was found by her Spizoo business partner, who is also her ex-husband, who went to check on her after she had been inactive online and not responding to messages for nearly a week.
Jaymes had a history of seizures but the cause of her death was not immediately known. An autopsy was performed after which her body was released to her family, but a cause of death was deferred pending toxicology results.