Jim Hopper


Is Jim Hopper Dead or Still Alive? Jim Hopper Birthday and Date of Death

Jim Hopper

Jim Hopper Death

Jim passed away on July 4, 1985 at the age of 43.

Jim Hopper death quick facts:
  • When did Jim Hopper die?

    July 4, 1985
  • How old was Jim Hopper when died?


Jim Hopper Birthday and Date of Death

Jim Hopper was born in 1942 and died on July 4, 1985. Jim was 43 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1942
Date of Death: July 4, 1985
Age at Death: 43

Jim Hopper - Biography

Jim Hopper, portrayed by David Harbour, is a main character on the Netflix original series Stranger Things. He is the Police Chief of the City of Hawkins in Indiana, USA.
Hopper was Chief of Police in the small, sleepy town of Hawkins, Indiana, where he used to live out a carefree existence - yet haunted by a troubled past. After the young son of an old friend disappeared mysteriously, Hopper's life became infinitely more complicated. As many events unfolded, he came to know about Eleven, a young girl who was experimented upon by Hawkins Lab for her inherited abilities. However, in order to save Will, he had to give up her location, a decision he would regret.

Later Hopper found Eleven and unbeknownst to everyone, took her to his cabin for her safety. Living together for almost a year, the two formed a father-daughter bond. After the pumpkin patches began to rot suddenly, he discovered the corrupted tunnels beneath Hawkins were responsible for it. Following the massacre at Hawkins Lab, Hopper reunited with Eleven and they closed the Shadow Monster's Gate together. Eventually, he adopted Eleven as his daughter and took her to the Snow Ball.