Jim O'Toole


Is Jim O'Toole Dead or Still Alive? Jim O'Toole Birthday and Date of Death

Jim O'Toole

Jim O'Toole Death

James passed away on December 26, 2015 at the age of 78.

Jim O'Toole death quick facts:
  • When did Jim O'Toole die?

    December 26, 2015
  • How old was Jim O'Toole when died?


Jim O'Toole Birthday and Date of Death

Jim O'Toole was born on January 10, 1937 and died on December 26, 2015. James was 78 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 10, 1937
Date of Death: December 26, 2015
Age at Death: 78

Jim O'Toole - Biography

James Jerome O'Toole (January 10, 1937 – December 26, 2015) was an American professional baseball pitcher. He played in Major League Baseball for the Cincinnati Reds and Chicago White Sox. He was left-handed.