Joan Benham


Is Joan Benham Dead or Still Alive? Joan Benham Birthday and Date of Death

Joan Benham

Joan Benham Death

Joan passed away on June 13, 1981 at the age of 63.

Joan Benham death quick facts:
  • When did Joan Benham die?

    June 13, 1981
  • How old was Joan Benham when died?


Joan Benham Birthday and Date of Death

Joan Benham was born on May 17, 1918 and died on June 13, 1981. Joan was 63 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 17, 1918
Date of Death: June 13, 1981
Age at Death: 63

Joan Benham - Biography

Joan Benham (17 May 1918 – 13 June 1981) was an English actress best known for her portrayal of Lady Prudence Fairfax in the ITV period drama series Upstairs, Downstairs. She was the first cousin of Hollywood actress Olive Sturgess and was born in London.