Joan Sebastian


Is Joan Sebastian Dead or Still Alive? Joan Sebastian Birthday and Date of Death

Joan Sebastian

Joan Sebastian Death

Joan passed away on July 13, 2015 at the age of 64 in Teacalco, Guerrero, Mexico. Joan's cause of death was bone cancer.

Joan Sebastian death quick facts:
  • When did Joan Sebastian die?

    July 13, 2015
  • How did Joan Sebastian die? What was the cause of death?

    Bone cancer
  • How old was Joan Sebastian when died?

  • Where did Joan Sebastian die? What was the location of death?

    Teacalco, Guerrero, Mexico

Joan Sebastian Birthday and Date of Death

Joan Sebastian was born on April 8, 1951 and died on July 13, 2015. Joan was 64 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 8, 1951
Date of Death: July 13, 2015
Age at Death: 64

Joan Sebastian - Biography

José Manuel Figueroa Figueroa (April 8, 1951 – July 13, 2015), better known as Joan Sebastian (pronounced: [xoˈan seβasˈtjan]), was a Mexican singer-songwriter, actor and producer. He wrote more than 1,000 songs including compositions for Vicente Fernández, Lucero, Pepe Aguilar, and Rocío Dúrcal. His music is a mixture of Latin pop, ranchera and grupera music. Sebastian was awarded seven Latin Grammy Awards and five Grammy Awards, making him the most awarded Mexican performer in Grammy history.Sebastian also worked sporadically as an actor. In 1996, he made his acting debut in the Mexican soap opera Tú y Yo (You and I), sharing credits with Maribel Guardia, his former wife and mother to his son, Julian. In 2015, Sebastian died at the age of 64 of bone cancer. At the time of his death, Sebastian had two number-one albums on the Billboard Top Latin Albums chart and seven top ten songs on the Hot Latin Songs chart in the United States.