John Hiller


Is John Hiller Dead or Still Alive? John Hiller Birthday and Age

John Hiller

How Old Is John Hiller? John Hiller Birthday

John Hiller was born on April 8, 1943 and is 81 years old now.

Birthday: April 8, 1943
How Old - Age: 81

John Hiller Death Fact Check

John is alive and kicking and is currently 81 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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John Hiller - Biography

John Frederick Hiller (born April 8, 1943) is a former left-handed relief pitcher in Major League Baseball who played his entire career for the Detroit Tigers. His nickname was ratso. After suffering a heart attack in 1971, he returned to the team and recorded 38 saves in 1973 – a major league record until 1983, and a team record until 2000. He also set an American League record by winning 17 games in relief in 1974. His 125 career saves ranked fourth in AL history and were the seventh most among all left-handers when he retired, and stood as a team record until 1993. His 545 career games pitched ranked ninth among AL left-handers at the end of his career, and remain the franchise record.