John Mollo Death
John passed away on October 25, 2017 at the age of 86.
John Mollo death quick facts:
When did John Mollo die?
October 25, 2017How old was John Mollo when died?
John Mollo Birthday and Date of Death
John Mollo was born on March 18, 1931 and died on October 25, 2017. John was 86 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: March 18, 1931
Date of Death: October 25, 2017
Age at Death: 86
John Mollo - Biography
John Mollo (born 18 March 1931 in London, England) is a British costume designer and book author, most known for his Oscar-winning costume design for the Star Wars film series. He is the older brother of Andrew Mollo.