Jonathan Cainer Death
Jonathan passed away on May 2, 2016 at the age of 58.
Jonathan Cainer death quick facts:
When did Jonathan Cainer die?
May 2, 2016How old was Jonathan Cainer when died?
Jonathan Cainer Birthday and Date of Death
Jonathan Cainer was born on December 18, 1957 and died on May 2, 2016. Jonathan was 58 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: December 18, 1957
Date of Death: May 2, 2016
Age at Death: 58
Jonathan Cainer - Biography
Jonathan Cainer (born 18 December 1957) is a British astrologer. He writes astrological predictions six days a week for the Daily Mail, and forecasts for three Australian newspapers, the Sydney Daily Telegraph, the Melbourne Herald Sun and the Perth Sunday Times. Cainer's predictions are also published in Hello, the Auckland Sunday News, the Botswana Echo and Misty Magazine (Japan). It has been estimated that over twelve million people read his predictions.