Judith Durham


Is Judith Durham Dead or Still Alive? Judith Durham Birthday and Date of Death

Judith Durham

Judith Durham Death

Judith passed away on August 5, 2022 at the age of 79 in The Alfred, Melbourne, Australia. Judith's cause of death was chronic lung disease.

Judith Durham death quick facts:
  • When did Judith Durham die?

    August 5, 2022
  • How did Judith Durham die? What was the cause of death?

    Chronic lung disease
  • How old was Judith Durham when died?

  • Where did Judith Durham die? What was the location of death?

    The Alfred, Melbourne, Australia

Judith Durham Birthday and Date of Death

Judith Durham was born on July 3, 1943 and died on August 5, 2022. Judith was 79 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 3, 1943
Date of Death: August 5, 2022
Age at Death: 79

Judith Durham - Biography

Judith Mavis Durham AO (born Judith Mavis Cock; 3 July 1943) is an Australian singer and musician who became the lead vocalist for the Australian popular folk music group The Seekers in 1963. The group subsequently became the first Australian pop music group to achieve major chart and sales success in the United Kingdom and the United States, and as of 2004 had sold over 50 million records. Durham left the group in mid-1968 to pursue her solo career. In 1993, Durham began to make sporadic recordings and performances with The Seekers, though she remains primarily a solo performer. On 1 July 2015, she was named Victorian of the Year for her services to music and a range of charities.
On 21 November 1969, Durham married her musical director, British pianist Ron Edgeworth, at Scot’s Church in Melbourne.

They lived in the UK and Switzerland until the mid 1980s when they bought property in Nambour, Queensland. In 1990, Durham, Edgeworth and their tour manager, Peter Summers, were involved in a car accident on the Calder Freeway. The driver of the other car died at the scene and Durham sustained a fractured wrist and leg. The response from her fans made Durham consider getting back together with the other members of the Seekers for a Silver Jubilee show. It was during this reunion that Edgeworth was diagnosed with motor neurone disease. He died on 10 December 1994 with Durham by his side.