Judy Buenoano


Is Judy Buenoano Dead or Still Alive? Judy Buenoano Birthday and Date of Death

Judy Buenoano

Judy Buenoano Death

Judy passed away on March 30, 1998 at the age of 54 in Starke, Florida.

Judy Buenoano death quick facts:
  • When did Judy Buenoano die?

    March 30, 1998
  • How old was Judy Buenoano when died?

  • Where did Judy Buenoano die? What was the location of death?

    Starke, Florida

Judy Buenoano Birthday and Date of Death

Judy Buenoano was born on April 4, 1943 and died on March 30, 1998. Judy was 54 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 4, 1943
Date of Death: March 30, 1998
Age at Death: 54

Judy Buenoano - Biography

Judias "Judy" Buenoano (born Judias Welty, also known as Judias Goodyear, also known as Judias Morris) (April 4, 1943 - March 30, 1998), was a convicted murderer who was executed for the 1971 murder of her husband James Goodyear. She was also convicted for the 1980 murder of her son Michael Buenoano, and of the 1983 attempted murder of her fiancé John Gentry. She is also acknowledged to have been responsible for the 1978 death of her boyfriend Bobby Joe Morris in Colorado; however, by the time authorities made the connection between Buenoano and Morris, she had already been sentenced to death in the state of Florida.