Judy LaMarsh


Is Judy LaMarsh Dead or Still Alive? Judy LaMarsh Birthday and Date of Death

Judy LaMarsh

Judy LaMarsh Death

Judy passed away on October 27, 1980 at the age of 55 in Toronto, Canada. Judy's cause of death was cancer.

Judy LaMarsh death quick facts:
  • When did Judy LaMarsh die?

    October 27, 1980
  • How did Judy LaMarsh die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Judy LaMarsh when died?

  • Where did Judy LaMarsh die? What was the location of death?

    Toronto, Canada

Judy LaMarsh Birthday and Date of Death

Judy LaMarsh was born on December 20, 1924 and died on October 27, 1980. Judy was 55 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 20, 1924
Date of Death: October 27, 1980
Age at Death: 55

Judy LaMarsh - Biography

Julia Verlyn "Judy" LaMarsh, PC, OC, QC (December 20, 1924 – October 27, 1980) was a Canadian politician, lawyer, author and broadcaster. In 1963, she was only the second woman to ever serve as a federal Cabinet Minister. Under Prime Minister Lester Pearson's minority governments of the middle and late 1960s, she helped push through the legislation that created the Canada Pension Plan and Medicare. As Secretary of State, she was in charge of Canada's Centennial celebrations in 1967. After leaving politics in 1968, she wrote three books, and had her own radio show on CBC Radio. She was stricken with pancreatic cancer in 1979 and was given the Order of Canada at her hospital bed. She died a few days short of the 20th anniversary of her first political election victory, in 1980.