Junior Wells


Is Junior Wells Dead or Still Alive? Junior Wells Birthday and Date of Death

Junior Wells

Junior Wells Death

Junior passed away on January 15, 1998 at the age of 63.

Junior Wells death quick facts:
  • When did Junior Wells die?

    January 15, 1998
  • How old was Junior Wells when died?


Junior Wells Birthday and Date of Death

Junior Wells was born on December 9, 1934 and died on January 15, 1998. Junior was 63 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 9, 1934
Date of Death: January 15, 1998
Age at Death: 63

Junior Wells - Biography

Junior Wells (December 9, 1934 – January 15, 1998), born Amos Wells Blakemore Jr., was an American Chicago blues vocalist, harmonica player, and recording artist. Wells, who was best known for his performances and recordings with Muddy Waters, Earl Hooker, and Buddy Guy, also performed with Bonnie Raitt, the Rolling Stones, and Van Morrison.