Junko Sakurada


Is Junko Sakurada Dead or Still Alive? Junko Sakurada Birthday and Age

Junko Sakurada

How Old Is Junko Sakurada? Junko Sakurada Birthday

Junko Sakurada was born on April 14, 1958 and is 66 years old now.

Birthday: April 14, 1958
How Old - Age: 66

Junko Sakurada Death Fact Check

Junko is alive and kicking and is currently 66 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Junko Sakurada - Biography

Junko Sakurada (桜田 淳子, Sakurada Junko, born 1958) is a Japanese singer and actress. She was part of a music trio in 1973, which included Momoe Yamaguchi and Masako Mori. Sakurada then became successful in a solo music career, with 18 top ten singles in the 1970s. Her acting career ran from 1973 to 1993. She received multiple awards for her acting roles, including the Hochi Film Award, Award of the Japanese Academy, Kinema Junpo Award, and Mainichi Film Concours. Following her marriage, in a Blessing ceremony of the Unification Church in 1992, she retired from performing.