Kenneth Keith Kallenbach Death
Kenneth Keith passed away on April 24, 2008 at the age of 39 in Media, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, USA. Kenneth Keith's cause of death was pneumonia.
When did Kenneth Keith Kallenbach die?
April 24, 2008How did Kenneth Keith Kallenbach die? What was the cause of death?
PneumoniaHow old was Kenneth Keith Kallenbach when died?
39Where did Kenneth Keith Kallenbach die? What was the location of death?
Media, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, USA
Kenneth Keith Kallenbach Birthday and Date of Death
Kenneth Keith Kallenbach was born on March 20, 1969 and died on April 24, 2008. Kenneth Keith was 39 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: March 20, 1969
Date of Death: April 24, 2008
Age at Death: 39
Kenneth Keith Kallenbach - Biography
TriviaWas a member of Howard Stern`s Wack Pack.Hosted his own public access cable TV show.Frequent guest on Howard Stern`s radio show.Discovered by Howard Stern.Author and composer of such songs as "I Got Beers" and "Nuthin` But Drunk."Suffered from cystic fibrosis but died from pneumonia at Riddle Memorial Hospital near Media, just outside of Philadelphia, while in custody for an attempted child abduction charge. His mother claimed officials of the Delaware County jail didn`t provide proper treatment for him, causing him to catch pneumonia.Had a large collection of old glass milk bottles.The only son of the late Harry Kallenbach, and Fay Kallenbach of Boothwyn, Pennsylvania.