Kimberly Diane Leach


Is Kimberly Diane Leach Dead or Still Alive? Kimberly Diane Leach Birthday and Date of Death

Kimberly Diane Leach

Kimberly Diane Leach Death

Kimberly passed away on February 9, 1978 at the age of 12 in Lake City Columbia County Florida, USA. Kimberly's cause of death was murdered.

Kimberly Diane Leach death quick facts:
  • When did Kimberly Diane Leach die?

    February 9, 1978
  • How did Kimberly Diane Leach die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Kimberly Diane Leach when died?

  • Where did Kimberly Diane Leach die? What was the location of death?

    Lake City Columbia County Florida, USA

Kimberly Diane Leach Birthday and Date of Death

Kimberly Diane Leach was born on October 28, 1965 and died on February 9, 1978. Kimberly was 12 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 28, 1965
Date of Death: February 9, 1978
Age at Death: 12

Kimberly Diane Leach - Biography

Kimberly Diane Leach was born on October 28, 1965. She was the last and youngest known victim of the American serial killer Ted Bundy.
February 9, 1978 Leach forgot his purse in his classroom. After noticing this, she went to pick it up shortly after an hour in the auditorium. She never returned. That morning, medical technician Clarence L. Anderson saw how a young girl was taken from a school yard to a white van with a man. Anderson thought he was the father of a girl. Later the man was identified as Bundy.

When Leach was reported missing, a two-month search began, until eventually, on April 7, his dead body was discovered in a field near the Suwannee River about 35-40 miles from his school. She was wearing a sweater that was tied around her neck. The rest of the clothes were found in the neighborhood. Leach's briefs were foundsemen stains.
In studies, Leach was found to have died of a fatal injury to the neck. Bundy was convicted of Leach's murder and died in an electric chair on January 24, 1989.