Kitty Wilks


Is Kitty Wilks Dead or Still Alive? Kitty Wilks Birthday and Age

Kitty Wilks

Kitty Wilks Death Fact Check

Kitty is alive and kicking.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Kitty Wilks - Biography

Kitty Canutt, originally Kitty Wilks, was a professional bronc rider, and the All-Around Champion Cowgirl at the 1916 Pendleton Round-Up in Pendleton, Oregon, for her bucking horse and relay race events. It was at this rodeo that she met and married Yakima Canutt, a winner of the title of All-Around Cowboy at the Pendleton Roundup in 1917, 1919, 1920 and 1923. They were divorced in 1919.She was known as the "Diamond Girl" or "Diamond Kitty" because she had a diamond set in her front tooth. She would occasionally remove and pawn the diamond when she needed contest entry money.

Tags: Horserider