Koreya Senda


Is Koreya Senda Dead or Still Alive? Koreya Senda Birthday and Date of Death

Koreya Senda

Koreya Senda Death

Koreya passed away on December 21, 1994 at the age of 90 in Minato, Tokyo, Japan.

Koreya Senda death quick facts:
  • When did Koreya Senda die?

    December 21, 1994
  • How old was Koreya Senda when died?

  • Where did Koreya Senda die? What was the location of death?

    Minato, Tokyo, Japan

Koreya Senda Birthday and Date of Death

Koreya Senda was born on September 15, 1904 and died on December 21, 1994. Koreya was 90 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: September 15, 1904
Date of Death: December 21, 1994
Age at Death: 90

Koreya Senda - Biography

Koreya Senda (千田是也, Senda Koreya, born Itō Kunio , 15 September 1904 – 21 December 1994) was a Japanese stage director, translator, and actor. He appeared in over 50 films between 1936 and 1970. He was also a leader in the modern theater movement in Japan, helping found the Haiyūza theatre troupe, and performing works that "bridged the gap from age-old traditional theater to politically oriented avant-garde and modern works".