Kristiina Elstelä


Is Kristiina Elstelä Dead or Still Alive? Kristiina Elstelä Birthday and Date of Death

Kristiina Elstelä

Kristiina Elstelä Death

Kristiina passed away on June 26, 2016 at the age of 73.

Kristiina Elstelä death quick facts:
  • When did Kristiina Elstelä die?

    June 26, 2016
  • How old was Kristiina Elstelä when died?


Kristiina Elstelä Birthday and Date of Death

Kristiina Elstelä was born on January 10, 1943 and died on June 26, 2016. Kristiina was 73 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 10, 1943
Date of Death: June 26, 2016
Age at Death: 73

Kristiina Elstelä - Biography

Kristiina Elstelä (born 10 January 1943 in Helsinki, Finland) is a Finnish actress, who has acted in many TV shows and movies. She also has a long career in theater and she is a renowned cabaret artist.