Laurice Guillen


Is Laurice Guillen Dead or Still Alive? Laurice Guillen Birthday and Age

Laurice Guillen

How Old Is Laurice Guillen? Laurice Guillen Birthday

Laurice Guillen was born on January 31, 1947 and is 77 years old now.

Birthday: January 31, 1947
How Old - Age: 77

Laurice Guillen Death Fact Check

Laurice is alive and kicking and is currently 77 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Laurice Guillen - Biography

Laurice Guillen (born January 31, 1947) is a Filipino actress, director and college professor. Guillen studied at St. Theresa's College, Cebu City, earned an AB English degree before finishing an MA in Communication at Ateneo de Manila University, where she taught at the college level. She took a television production course under Nestor Torre, in 1967. She then began work as an actress, starring in productions of Mrs. Warren's Profession, before crossing over to film and television work, playing a seductress in Tinimbang Ka Ngunit Kulang, and Corazon Aquino in the drama A Dangerous Life.
In 2009 she accepted a role in the indie film Karera, her first role in an independent production. Other credits include in the film Sister Stella L and Moral. However, it was on television that she became a household name when she joined the cast of "Flor de Luna" in 1978 as Jo Alicante, Flor de Luna's temperamental step mother. She went on to portray the role until the mid-80s when the show folded.

In 2009 she directed I Love You Goodbye, following it up with Sa 'yo Lamang in 2010, starring Lorna Tolentino. As well as working as a director, Guillen also served as Chief Executive Officer of the Film Development Council of the Philippines, before her appointment was unexpectedly not renewed in 2005. After breaking away from the previous Filipino directors guild due to a desire for reform, Guillen helped found the Directors Guild of the Philippines, resigning on March 26, 2001 due to her feeling that this reform had not been carried out.
Guillen was married to Johnny Delgado, with whom she had several daughters, including actress Ina Feleo. Following his diagnosis with lymphoma, Delgado died in November 2009.