Leah Messer Calvert


Is Leah Messer Calvert Dead or Still Alive? Leah Messer Calvert Birthday and Age

Leah Messer Calvert

How Old Is Leah Messer Calvert? Leah Messer Calvert Birthday

Leah Messer Calvert was born on April 24, 1992 and is 32 years old now.

Birthday: April 24, 1992
How Old - Age: 32

Leah Messer Calvert Death Fact Check

Leah is alive and kicking and is currently 32 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Leah Messer Calvert - Biography

Leah Dawn Messer was on MTV's 16 & Pregnant Season 2 & also Teen Mom 2. Her show aired on April 6th 2010 and Teen Mom started in Jan 2011. Her story has shown alot of the hardships faced by teen moms, the reality of relationship struggles with Teen Pregnancies, and also the reality that you can also have TWINS..Its not always 1 baby. And the fact that you can always have a child with special needs. Her birthday is April 24th. She GRADUATED High School on May 29th 2010. She attended Herbert Hoover High School where she was on the Cheer Squad. Although after having her Twins she had to give all that up and started to attend Garnet Career Center, they have a SAEMP (School Age Expectant Mothers Program). They helped her get my credits but allowed me to graduate with her original High School. The girls names are Aliannah Hope and Aleeah Grace Simms. They were born on December 16th 2009 at Women's and Children's Hospital. That was the best day of her life but also the day her life changed forever.Their She is a part-time Dental Assistant. She is taking Online Courses for College via Mountain State University