Liz Gebhardt


Is Liz Gebhardt Dead or Still Alive? Liz Gebhardt Birthday and Date of Death

Liz Gebhardt

Liz Gebhardt Death

Liz passed away on August 10, 1996 at the age of 51.

Liz Gebhardt death quick facts:
  • When did Liz Gebhardt die?

    August 10, 1996
  • How old was Liz Gebhardt when died?


Liz Gebhardt Birthday and Date of Death

Liz Gebhardt was born on April 12, 1945 and died on August 10, 1996. Liz was 51 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 12, 1945
Date of Death: August 10, 1996
Age at Death: 51

Liz Gebhardt - Biography

Liz Gebhardt (12 April 1945 – 10 August 1996) was an English actress, best known for playing the part of form 5C pupil Maureen Bullock in the LWT sitcom Please Sir! (1968–71) and in the subsequent spin-off show, The Fenn Street Gang (1971–73).
Following on from her role in the show and its spin-off, she continued working in television, starring as Doreen Bissel in Dear Mother...Love Albert, and appearing in a number of supporting roles in programmes such as New Scotland Yard, Z-Cars, The Naked Civil Servant, Doctor on the Go, Grange Hill, The Bill, Love Hurts, Keeping Up Appearances and others. Her few film roles included the movie version of Please Sir! (1971), and a brief appearance as a maid in Julius Caesar (1970).

Gebhardt was married to fellow actor and former director of the Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre, Ian Talbot.
Gebhardt was diagnosed with cancer and admitted to hospital in summer 1996; she died in August, aged 51. During her cancer treatment, she sustained injuries from radiotherapy, a situation which contributed to the formation of a campaign to prevent damage from such treatment.