Lois Collier Death
Lois passed away on October 22, 1999 at the age of 78 in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Lois Collier death quick facts:
When did Lois Collier die?
October 22, 1999How old was Lois Collier when died?
78Where did Lois Collier die? What was the location of death?
Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, California, USA
Lois Collier Birthday and Date of Death
Lois Collier was born on March 17, 1921 and died on October 22, 1999. Lois was 78 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: March 17, 1921
Date of Death: October 22, 1999
Age at Death: 78
Is Lois Collier's father, E.G. Jones, dead or alive?
E.G. Jones's information is not available now.
Is Lois Collier's mother, Ruth Jones, dead or alive?
Lois Collier's mother, Ruth Jones, is still alive and kicking at the age of 58. She is Welsh and has had a career as an actress.
Lois Collier - Biography
Lois Collier, born Madelyn Earle Jones, was an American film actress born in Salley, South Carolina. She was sometimes credited as Lois Collyer.