Louis L'Amour Death
Louis passed away on June 10, 1988 at the age of 80 in Los Angeles, California.
When did Louis L'Amour die?
June 10, 1988How old was Louis L'Amour when died?
80Where did Louis L'Amour die? What was the location of death?
Los Angeles, California
Louis L'Amour Birthday and Date of Death
Louis L'Amour was born on March 22, 1908 and died on June 10, 1988. Louis was 80 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: March 22, 1908
Date of Death: June 10, 1988
Age at Death: 80
Is Louis L'Amour's father, Dr. Louis Charles LaMoore, dead or alive?
Dr. Louis Charles LaMoore's information is not available now.
Is Louis L'Amour's mother, Emily Dearborn LaMoore, dead or alive?
Emily Dearborn LaMoore's information is not available now.
Louis L'Amour - Biography
Louis Dearborn L'Amour was an American author. His books consisted primarily of Western novels; however, he also wrote historical fiction (The Walking Drum), science fiction (The Haunted Mesa), nonfiction (Frontier), as well as poetry and short-story collections. Many of his stories were made into movies. L'Amour's books remain popular and most have gone through multiple printings. At the time of his death almost all of his 105 existing works (89 novels, 14 short-story collections, and two full-length works of nonfiction) were still in print, and he was considered "one of the world's most popular writers".