Louise Glaum


Is Louise Glaum Dead or Still Alive? Louise Glaum Birthday and Date of Death

Louise Glaum

Louise Glaum Death

Louise passed away on November 25, 1970 at the age of 82 in Los Angeles, California, USA. Louise's cause of death was pneumonia.

Louise Glaum death quick facts:
  • When did Louise Glaum die?

    November 25, 1970
  • How did Louise Glaum die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Louise Glaum when died?

  • Where did Louise Glaum die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles, California, USA

Louise Glaum Birthday and Date of Death

Louise Glaum was born on September 4, 1888 and died on November 25, 1970. Louise was 82 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: September 4, 1888
Date of Death: November 25, 1970
Age at Death: 82

Louise Glaum - Biography

Louise Glaum (September 4, 1888 – November 25, 1970) was an American actress. Known for her role as a femme fatale in silent era motion picture dramas, she was credited with giving one of the best characterizations of a vamp in her early career.