How Old Is Mélanie Bernier? Mélanie Bernier Birthday
Mélanie Bernier was born on January 5, 1985 and is 40 years old now.
Birthday: January 5, 1985
How Old - Age: 40
Mélanie Bernier Death Fact Check
Mélanie is alive and kicking and is currently 40 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Mélanie Bernier - Biography
Mélanie Bernier (born 5 January 1985) is a French actress. She has appeared in several films, such as L'Assaut (2011), directed by Julien Leclerq, relating the hijacking of an Air France A300 in December 1994, and also in several television productions. Born in Grasse, France, she began acting at a young age.