Margaret Laurence


Is Margaret Laurence Dead or Still Alive? Margaret Laurence Birthday and Date of Death

Margaret Laurence

Margaret Laurence Death

Margaret passed away on January 5, 1987 at the age of 60.

Margaret Laurence death quick facts:
  • When did Margaret Laurence die?

    January 5, 1987
  • How old was Margaret Laurence when died?


Margaret Laurence Birthday and Date of Death

Margaret Laurence was born on July 18, 1926 and died on January 5, 1987. Margaret was 60 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 18, 1926
Date of Death: January 5, 1987
Age at Death: 60

Margaret Laurence - Biography

Jean Margaret Laurence, CC (née Wemyss) (18 July 1926 – 5 January 1987) was a Canadian novelist and short story writer, and is one of the major figures in Canadian literature. She was also a founder of the Writers' Trust of Canada, a non-profit literary organization that seeks to encourage Canada's writing community.