Marion Mitterhammer


Is Marion Mitterhammer Dead or Still Alive? Marion Mitterhammer Birthday and Age

Marion Mitterhammer

How Old Is Marion Mitterhammer? Marion Mitterhammer Birthday

Marion Mitterhammer was born on August 8, 1965 and is 59 years old now.

Birthday: August 8, 1965
How Old - Age: 59

Marion Mitterhammer Death Fact Check

Marion is alive and kicking and is currently 59 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Marion Mitterhammer - Biography

Marion Mitterhammer (* 8. August 1965 in Bruck an der Mur , Styria ) is an Austrian actress .LifeMarion Mitterhammer completed her acting studies at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz .Mitterhammer since 1994 mainly in television , but also in theater productions seen in Austria and Germany. It is with the German director and cameraman Hans-Günther Bücking married.First engagements got Marion Mitterhammer on Theater Baden-Baden and at the Salzburg Festival ; in Salzburg she worked with directors Jürgen Flimm and Thomas Langhoff . In 1990 she went on tour with a theater production of Chekhov's Platonov , her partner was Götz George . Then they played two years at the Theater in der Josefstadt in Vienna; among other things, directed by Otto Schenk and Harald Clemens . Was discovered the small screen, Marion Mitterhammer 1992 Bernd Fischer Auer . For the ORF they played under his direction the Lotti of Mitzko in the miniseries The Salzbaron . For which she received the award as a young actress of 1994 by the jury of the Austrian Film Prize . Since then followed numerous engagements in successful German and Austrian film and television productions. Together with her ​​husband Hans-Günther Bücking directed and produced her film "Night Trash".