Mary Haynsworth Mathews


Is Mary Haynsworth Mathews Dead or Still Alive? Mary Haynsworth Mathews Birthday and Date of Death

Mary Haynsworth Mathews

Mary Haynsworth Mathews Death

Mary passed away on May 6, 2011 at the age of 95 in Greenville Greenville County South Carolina, USA.

Mary Haynsworth Mathews death quick facts:
  • When did Mary Haynsworth Mathews die?

    May 6, 2011
  • How old was Mary Haynsworth Mathews when died?

  • Where did Mary Haynsworth Mathews die? What was the location of death?

    Greenville Greenville County South Carolina, USA

Mary Haynsworth Mathews Birthday and Date of Death

Mary Haynsworth Mathews was born in 1916 and died on May 6, 2011. Mary was 95 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1916
Date of Death: May 6, 2011
Age at Death: 95

Mary Haynsworth Mathews - Biography

Birth: 1916Greenville CountySouth Carolina, USADeath: May 6, 2011GreenvilleGreenville CountySouth Carolina, USAMary Haynsworth Mathews, 94, a long-time resident of Caesar's Head, South Carolina, with many ties to the Brevard community, died on Friday, May 6, 2011, in Greenville, South Carolina, after a brief illiness.A native of Greenville, with a life-long interest in the performing arts, she majored in drama at UNC Chapel Hill. After graduating in 1937, she won a scholarship to the renowned Chekhov Theater Studio in England. When World War II begun in Europe, the Chekhov Company moved to the United States, and she appeared in several Broadway productions with them. She then joined the American Red Cross and served in England, France and Germany during and after the war.In 1951 she married actor George Matthews and lived in Hollywood and New York until retirement in 1974, when they moved to Ceasar's Head. After her husband's death in November 7, 1984, she continued to live in her mountaintop home. One of her special community interests was to collect bread from a Greenville bakery and deliver it weekly to Sharing House of Brevard, North Carolina.In addition to theater, she was a life-long dancer and studied with the Martha Graham Group in New York. She taught dance in Greenville and for 20 years in a weekly series held at the Brevard-Davidson River Church in Brevard, North Carolina.In 1997 she was featured in "Women Recall the War Years", a book edited and published by Brevard author, the late George L. McDemott.In 2006, she left the mountains to spend her last years with a niece, Mary de Monterey, in Greenville, South Carolina.A graveside service was held on Monday, May 9, 2011 at Christ Episcopal Church Cemetery.