Mary Paik Lee


Is Mary Paik Lee Dead or Still Alive? Mary Paik Lee Birthday and Date of Death

Mary Paik Lee

Mary Paik Lee Death

Mary passed away in 1995 at the age of 95.

Mary Paik Lee death quick facts:
  • When did Mary Paik Lee die?

  • How old was Mary Paik Lee when died?


Mary Paik Lee Birthday and Date of Death

Mary Paik Lee was born in 1900 and died in 1995. Mary was 95 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1900
Date of Death: 1995
Age at Death: 95

Mary Paik Lee - Biography

Mary Paik Lee (1900–1995) was a Korean American writer. She is most known for her autobiography, Quiet Odyssey : A Pioneer Korean Woman in America. She was born Paik Kuang-Sun in Pyongyang in the Korean Empire (now the capital of North Korea). Her parents decided to leave Korea when the Japanese and their growing presence in Korea took control over their home. In 1905, they arrived in Hawaii where they started anew. Her father, Paik Sin Koo, came from a line of ministers and teachers but when they arrived in Hawaii, he became a contract laborer on a sugar plantation. They faced extreme discrimination and eventually moved to Riverside, California in 1906.