Maurice Chevalier


Is Maurice Chevalier Dead or Still Alive? Maurice Chevalier Birthday and Date of Death

Maurice Chevalier

Maurice Chevalier Death

Maurice passed away on January 1, 1972 at the age of 83 in Paris, France.

Maurice Chevalier death quick facts:
  • When did Maurice Chevalier die?

    January 1, 1972
  • How old was Maurice Chevalier when died?

  • Where did Maurice Chevalier die? What was the location of death?

    Paris, France

Maurice Chevalier Birthday and Date of Death

Maurice Chevalier was born on September 12, 1888 and died on January 1, 1972. Maurice was 83 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: September 12, 1888
Date of Death: January 1, 1972
Age at Death: 83

Is Maurice Chevalier's father, Victor Chevalier, dead or alive?

Victor Chevalier's information is not available now.

Is Maurice Chevalier's mother, Josephine Chevalier, dead or alive?

Josephine Chevalier's information is not available now.

Maurice Chevalier - Biography

Maurice Auguste Chevalier was a French actor, cabaret singer and entertainer. He is perhaps best known for his signature songs, including "Louise", "Mimi", "Valentine", and "Thank Heaven for Little Girls" and for his films, including The Love Parade and The Big Pond. His trademark attire was a boater hat, which he always wore on stage with a tuxedo.