Michael Learned


Is Michael Learned Dead or Still Alive? Michael Learned Birthday and Age

Michael Learned

How Old Is Michael Learned? Michael Learned Birthday

Michael Learned was born on April 9, 1939 and is 85 years old now.

Birthday: April 9, 1939
How Old - Age: 85

Michael Learned Death Fact Check

Michael is alive and kicking and is currently 85 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Michael Learned's father, Bruce Learned, dead or alive?

Bruce Learned's information is not available now.

Is Michael Learned's mother, Elizabeth Duane "Betti" Hooper, dead or alive?

Elizabeth Duane "Betti" Hooper's information is not available now.

Michael Learned - Biography

Michael Learned is an American actress, best known for her role as Olivia Walton in the long-running CBS drama series, The Waltons. She has won a record four Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series; three for The Waltons (1973, 74, 76), and one for Nurse (1982).
When she was 11, Learned moved to Austria, where her father worked for the U.S. State Department. At this time, she attended Arts Educational School, Tring, now Tring Park School for the Performing Arts in Tring, Hertfordshire, England. During this time, she discovered the theater and decided to make acting her life's work.

In 2005, Learned played Judge Helen Turner on the ABC soap operas All My Children and One Life to Live as part of the "baby switch" storyline on both shows. In the second season of The Secret World of Alex Mack, she guest-starred as a ghost who regretted the decisions of her long-estranged granddaughter, revealed at the end to be the show's main villain, Danielle Atron (Louan Gideon).
Learned has been married four times. Her first husband was Canadian-American actor Peter Donat, whom she married in 1956 when she was 17 years old. The marriage was dissolved in 1972. She had three sons by the marriage — Caleb, Christopher, and Lucas Donat.
Her second marriage, to Glenn Chadwick, lasted from 1975 to 1977 and ended in divorce. In 1979, she married actor-screenwriter William Parker. That marriage ended in divorce as well. Since 1988, she has been married to lawyer John Doherty; the couple resides in California.