Mick Jagger


Is Mick Jagger Dead or Still Alive? Mick Jagger Birthday and Age

Mick Jagger

How Old Is Mick Jagger? Mick Jagger Birthday

Mick Jagger was born on July 26, 1943 and is 81 years old now.

Birthday: July 26, 1943
How Old - Age: 81

Mick Jagger Death Fact Check

Michael is alive and kicking and is currently 81 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Mick Jagger's father, Basil Fanshawe "Joe" Jagger, dead or alive?

Basil Fanshawe "Joe" Jagger's information is not available now.

Is Mick Jagger's mother, Eva Ensley Mary Scutts, dead or alive?

Mick Jagger's mother, Eva Ensley Mary Scutts, died on May 18, 2000 as she was 87 years old.

Mick Jagger's brother :

  • Mick Jagger's brother, Chris Jagger, is still alive and kicking at the age of 77. He is English and has had a career as a musician.

Mick Jagger's pet, dead or alive?

  • Cats

Mick Jagger - Biography

Sir Michael Philip "Mick" Jagger is an English singer and songwriter, the lead singer and one of the founder members of the Rolling Stones. Jagger's career has spanned over five decades, and he has been described as "one of the most popular and influential frontmen in the history of rock & roll". His distinctive voice and performances, along with Keith Richards' guitar style have been the trademark of the Rolling Stones throughout the band's career. Jagger gained press notoriety for his admitted drug use and romantic involvements, and was often portrayed as a countercultural figure.
In 1989, Jagger was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and in 2004 into the UK Music Hall of Fame with the Rolling Stones. As member of the Stones, and as solo artist, he reached number one on the UK and US singles charts with 13 singles, the Top 10 with 32 singles and the Top 40 with 70 singles. In 2003, he was knighted for his services to popular music.

Jagger has been married (and divorced) once, and has also had several other relationships. Jagger has eight children with five women. He also has five grandchildren, and became a great-grandfather on 19 May 2014, when his granddaughter Assisi gave birth to daughter Ezra Key. Jagger's net worth has been estimated at $360 million.
Jagger was honoured with a knighthood for services to popular music in the Queen's 2002 Birthday Honours, and on 12 December 2003 he received the accolade from The Prince of Wales. Queen Elizabeth II reportedly refused to award Jagger in person. Jagger’s father and daughters Karis and Elizabeth were in attendance. Jagger stated that while the award did not have significant meaning for him, he was "touched" by the significance that it held for his father, saying that his father "was very proud".