Mike Brant


Is Mike Brant Dead or Still Alive? Mike Brant Birthday and Date of Death

Mike Brant

Mike Brant Death

Mike passed away on April 25, 1975 at the age of 28.

Mike Brant death quick facts:
  • When did Mike Brant die?

    April 25, 1975
  • How old was Mike Brant when died?


Mike Brant Birthday and Date of Death

Mike Brant was born on February 1, 1947 and died on April 25, 1975. Mike was 28 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 1, 1947
Date of Death: April 25, 1975
Age at Death: 28

Mike Brant - Biography

Mike Brant (born Moshé Michaël Brand, Hebrew: משה ברנד‎) (February 1, 1947 – April 25, 1975) was an Israeli pop star who achieved fame after moving to France. His most successful hit was "Laisse-moi t'aimer" ("Let me love you"). Brant committed suicide at the height of his career by jumping from the window of a Paris apartment.