Milton Wolff Death
Milton passed away on January 14, 2008 at the age of 92.
Milton Wolff death quick facts:
When did Milton Wolff die?
January 14, 2008How old was Milton Wolff when died?
Milton Wolff Birthday and Date of Death
Milton Wolff was born on October 7, 1915 and died on January 14, 2008. Milton was 92 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: October 7, 1915
Date of Death: January 14, 2008
Age at Death: 92
Milton Wolff - Biography
Milton "Milt" Wolff (October 7, 1915 – January 14, 2008) was an American veteran of the Spanish Civil War, the last commander of the Lincoln Battalion of XV International Brigade, and a prominent communist.