Minna Gombell


Is Minna Gombell Dead or Still Alive? Minna Gombell Birthday and Date of Death

Minna Gombell

Minna Gombell Death

Minna passed away on April 14, 1973 at the age of 80 in Santa Monica, California, USA. Minna's cause of death was heart attack.

Minna Gombell death quick facts:
  • When did Minna Gombell die?

    April 14, 1973
  • How did Minna Gombell die? What was the cause of death?

    Heart attack
  • How old was Minna Gombell when died?

  • Where did Minna Gombell die? What was the location of death?

    Santa Monica, California, USA

Minna Gombell Birthday and Date of Death

Minna Gombell was born on May 28, 1892 and died on April 14, 1973. Minna was 80 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 28, 1892
Date of Death: April 14, 1973
Age at Death: 80

Is Minna Gombell's father, William, dead or alive?

Minna Gombell's father, William, is still alive and kicking at the age of 34. He is American and has had a career as a business person.

Is Minna Gombell's mother, Emma, dead or alive?

Emma's information is not available now.

Minna Gombell - Biography

A doctor's daughter, Minna Gombell had a successful career on the stage from 1912 to the end of the 1920's, appearing often in comedic roles, almost always in leads. She had a reputation as a fast learner, capable of reading and comprehending a script in a matter of hours. This ability served her well as an understudy early in her career. She made her Broadway debut in 1913 in 'Madam President' and later appeared in several productions of her stage director husband Myron C. Fagan (for instance,'Nancy's Private Affair',1930).Although Minna's specialty was street-wise, tough-talking blondes, she displayed quite a repertoire of varied characters during her movie career. She was best friend and steadying influence on Sally Eilers in Bad Girl (1931), a conflicted and unhappy mother in After Tomorrow (1932), the cold wife of The Thin Man (1934), a waspish wife in Babbitt (1934), brassy burlesque performers in Stepping Sisters (1932) and Comet Over Broadway (1938) and a tough nurse presiding over The Snake Pit (1948). She also had occasional leads, for instance as the gold-digger Stella in Bachelor's Affairs (1932), a comedy with Adolphe Menjou. An underrated and sadly, almost forgotten actress today, she enlivened many a film with her presence.