Minnie Devereaux


Is Minnie Devereaux Dead or Still Alive? Minnie Devereaux Birthday and Date of Death

Minnie Devereaux

Minnie Devereaux Death

Minnie passed away in 1984 at the age of 93.

Minnie Devereaux death quick facts:
  • When did Minnie Devereaux die?

  • How old was Minnie Devereaux when died?


Minnie Devereaux Birthday and Date of Death

Minnie Devereaux was born in 1891 and died in 1984. Minnie was 93 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1891
Date of Death: 1984
Age at Death: 93

Is Minnie Devereaux's father, Chief Plenty Horses, dead or alive?

Chief Plenty Horses's information is not available now.

Minnie Devereaux - Biography

Minnie Devereaux (1891–1984) was a Canadian silent film actress. Also known as "Indian Minnie," or "Minnie Ha-Ha," Devereaux held at least 14 roles, beginning in 1913 with Old Mammy’s Secret Code and ending with the 1923 release of The Girl of the Golden West. Devereaux was a Cheyenne, the daughter of Chief Plenty Horses.