Mira Aroyo


Is Mira Aroyo Dead or Still Alive? Mira Aroyo Birthday and Age

Mira Aroyo

How Old Is Mira Aroyo? Mira Aroyo Birthday

Mira Aroyo was born in 1977 and is 48 years old now.

Birthday: 1977
How Old - Age: 48

Mira Aroyo Death Fact Check

Mira is alive and kicking and is currently 48 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Mira Aroyo - Biography

Mira Aroyo (Bulgarian: Мира Аройо; born 1977) is a Bulgarian musician, known as the secondary vocalist and one of the keyboardists and songwriters of the electronic band Ladytron, as well as a DJ. She writes and sings her songs for Ladytron in Bulgarian as well as English. Prior to a full-time career in music, Aroyo was studying for a D.Phil. in genetics at the University of Oxford.