Morgana Davies


Is Morgana Davies Dead or Still Alive? Morgana Davies Birthday and Age

Morgana Davies

How Old Is Morgana Davies? Morgana Davies Birthday

Morgana Davies was born on November 27, 2001 and is 23 years old now.

Birthday: November 27, 2001
How Old - Age: 23

Morgana Davies Death Fact Check

Morgana is alive and kicking and is currently 23 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Morgana Davies - Biography

Morgana Linda Davies (born 27 November 2001) is an Australian film and television child actress. Morgan made his screen debut at only seven years of age opposite Charlotte Gainsbourg in the Australian/French feature film 'The Tree'. Directed by Julie Bertuccelli, the film premiered on closing night of the Cannes Film Festival and earned Morgan rave reviews. His performance was honored with a Film Critics Circle Award and AFI nominations in both the categories of Best Lead Actor and Best Young Actor.
The following year, Morgan appeared in 'The Hunter', an adaptation of the award-winning novel by Julia Leigh. The film, staring Willem Dafoe and Sam Neill, premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) and saw Morgan again nominated for an AFI (AACTA).

Other credits followed, including a lead guest role in Steven Spielberg's "Terra Nova" and the short film 'Julian', which took out the Crystal Bear for Best Short Film at the Berlin Film Festival in the Generation KPlus category.
Morgan later appeared in "Devil's Playground" for Foxtel (Director: Rachel Ward) and in Alice Englert's short film 'The Boyfriend Game', which premiered at TIFF.