Nancy Kelly


Is Nancy Kelly Dead or Still Alive? Nancy Kelly Birthday and Date of Death

Nancy Kelly

Nancy Kelly Death

Nancy passed away on January 2, 1995 at the age of 73 in Bel Air, California, USA. Nancy's cause of death was diabetes-related.

Nancy Kelly death quick facts:
  • When did Nancy Kelly die?

    January 2, 1995
  • How did Nancy Kelly die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Nancy Kelly when died?

  • Where did Nancy Kelly die? What was the location of death?

    Bel Air, California, USA

Nancy Kelly Birthday and Date of Death

Nancy Kelly was born on March 25, 1921 and died on January 2, 1995. Nancy was 73 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 25, 1921
Date of Death: January 2, 1995
Age at Death: 73

Is Nancy Kelly's mother, Nan Kelly, dead or alive?

Nan Kelly's information is not available now.

Nancy Kelly's brother :

  • Nancy Kelly's brother, Jack Kelly, is still alive and kicking.

Nancy Kelly - Biography

Nancy Kelly (March 25, 1921 – January 2, 1995) was an American actress. A child actress and model, she was a repertory cast member of CBS Radio's The March of Time and became a movie leading lady in the late 1930s, while still in her teens. She made 36 movies between 1926 and 1977, including portraying Tyrone Power's love interest in the classic Jesse James (1939), which also featured Henry Fonda, and playing opposite Spencer Tracy in Stanley and Livingstone later that same year. She had her greatest success in a character role, the suicidal mother in the The Bad Seed, receiving a Tony Award for the 1955 stage production and an Academy Award nomination for the 1956 film adaptation.