Nancy Wilcox


Is Nancy Wilcox Dead or Still Alive? Nancy Wilcox Birthday and Date of Death

Nancy Wilcox

Nancy Wilcox Death

Nancy passed away on October 2, 1974 at the age of 16.

Nancy Wilcox death quick facts:
  • When did Nancy Wilcox die?

    October 2, 1974
  • How old was Nancy Wilcox when died?


Nancy Wilcox Birthday and Date of Death

Nancy Wilcox was born on July 4, 1958 and died on October 2, 1974. Nancy was 16 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 4, 1958
Date of Death: October 2, 1974
Age at Death: 16

Is Nancy Wilcox's father, Herbert Wilcox, dead or alive?

Nancy Wilcox's father, Herbert Wilcox, died on May 15, 1977 as he was 87 years old.

Is Nancy Wilcox's mother, Connie Wilcox, dead or alive?

Connie Wilcox's information is not available now.

Nancy Wilcox's sister :

  • Susie Wilcox Nelson

Nancy Wilcox's brothers :

Nancy has 4 brothers:
  • David Michael Wilcox
  • Richard Stephen Wilcox
  • Thomas Brent Wilcox
  • James Patrick Wilcox

Nancy Wilcox - Biography

Nancy was born on July 4, 1958 in Salt Lake City, Utah. She was a sweet loving daughter who was enjoying life. She did those things that were important to a 16 year old pertaining to school and church. She attended Olympus High School and was a member of the LDS Church.
Nancy is believed to have been a victim of the serial killer Ted Bundy. A photograph of Bundy is posted with this case summary. He was executed in Florida in 1989 and confessed to many murders before his death, including Nancy's. She fits the profile of his other victims and he was known to have been in the area at the time of her disappearance, and he drove a Volkswagen Bug similar to car she was seen riding in.

Bundy stated she was never in his car, however. He confessed that he abducted her at knifepoint, sexually assaulted her in a nearby orchard, and strangled her. He said he buried her body near Capitol Reef National Park, over two hundred miles from the site of her disappearance. It has never been found.