Nasser Al Khelaifi


Is Nasser Al Khelaifi Dead or Still Alive? Nasser Al Khelaifi Birthday and Age

Nasser Al Khelaifi

How Old Is Nasser Al Khelaifi? Nasser Al Khelaifi Birthday

Nasser Al Khelaifi was born on November 12, 1973 and is 51 years old now.

Birthday: November 12, 1973
How Old - Age: 51

Nasser Al Khelaifi Death Fact Check

Nasser is alive and kicking and is currently 51 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Nasser Al Khelaifi - Biography

Nasser Ghanim Al-Khelaïfi (ناصر بن غانم الخليفي) (born November 12, 1973 in Qatar) is a Qatari businessman and a former professional tennis player. He is the chairman and chief executive officer of beIN Media Group, chairman of Qatar Sports Investments, president of the Qatar Tennis Federation (QTF) and vice president of the Asian Tennis Federation for West Asia (ATF).
Nasser Al-Khelaifi became the new president and chief executive officer of Paris Saint-Germain in 7 October 2011. Shortly after being named president he presented a five-year plan to take Paris Saint-German to the top of the tree in France and abroad. As part of the long term plan for the club, Al-Khelaïfi brought in former footballer Leonardo as the new director of football.

Although Al-Khelaifi had initially demanded a major trophy haul for the 2011–12 season, PSG were soon eliminated from the UEFA Europa League and both domestic cups, leaving the team only able to compete $130 million on players, PSG failed to dominate, and lost out to eventual winners Montpellier, though they did qualify for the UEFA Champions League by finishing second.
His growing influence in the sport was recognised in 2015 when he was crowned 'favourite Ligue 1 president in a poll conducted by France Football, with 35% of the votes cast. In 2016, the French daily sport newspaper L'Équipe named him the 'most powerful man in French football' in a 30-man list, ahead of such notable individuals as Didier Deschamps and Zinedine Zidane.