Neville Buswell


Is Neville Buswell Dead or Still Alive? Neville Buswell Birthday and Date of Death

Neville Buswell

Neville Buswell Death

Neville passed away on December 25, 2019 at the age of 76 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Neville Buswell death quick facts:
  • When did Neville Buswell die?

    December 25, 2019
  • How old was Neville Buswell when died?

  • Where did Neville Buswell die? What was the location of death?

    Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Neville Buswell Birthday and Date of Death

Neville Buswell was born on January 20, 1943 and died on December 25, 2019. Neville was 76 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 20, 1943
Date of Death: December 25, 2019
Age at Death: 76

Neville Buswell - Biography

Neville Buswell (born 20 January 1943 in Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbyshire) is a British actor, best known for his role as Ray Langton in Coronation Street.
He first appeared on Coronation Street in 1966, leaving that same year. He returned in 1968 and remained in the cast for ten years until he chose not to renew his contract rather abruptly in late 1978. He wanted to move to the United States to be with his wife and her relatives. In the plot line, Ray was written out just as abruptly, leaving his wife Deirdre and young daughter to live in Amsterdam.

After 26 years away, Neville was written back into Coronation Street in episodes that aired in March 2005, for a six-week run. His character Ray Langton died of cancer in an episode that aired in the UK on 10 April 2005. Ray died at Deirdre and Ken's wedding reception in the Rover's Return. Buswell retired in February 2008 at the age of 65 and continued to live in Las Vegas.