Nick Coleman


Is Nick Coleman Dead or Still Alive? Nick Coleman Birthday and Date of Death

Nick Coleman

Nick Coleman Death

Nicholas passed away on March 5, 1981 at the age of 56.

Nick Coleman death quick facts:
  • When did Nick Coleman die?

    March 5, 1981
  • How old was Nick Coleman when died?


Nick Coleman Birthday and Date of Death

Nick Coleman was born on February 23, 1925 and died on March 5, 1981. Nicholas was 56 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 23, 1925
Date of Death: March 5, 1981
Age at Death: 56

Nick Coleman - Biography

Nicholas David "Nick" Coleman (February 23, 1925 – March 5, 1981) was a Minnesota politician and a former member and majority leader of the Minnesota Senate. A Democrat, he was first elected in 1962 and reelected in 1966, 1970, 1972, and 1976. He represented the old districts 45, 46, and 65, which changed through the years due to legislative redistricting, and included portions of the city of Saint Paul in Ramsey County.