Orson Welles Death
Orson passed away on October 10, 1985 at the age of 70 in Hollywood, California, USA. Orson's cause of death was heart failure.
When did Orson Welles die?
October 10, 1985How did Orson Welles die? What was the cause of death?
Heart failureHow old was Orson Welles when died?
70Where did Orson Welles die? What was the location of death?
Hollywood, California, USA
Orson Welles Birthday and Date of Death
Orson Welles was born on May 6, 1915 and died on October 10, 1985. Orson was 70 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: May 6, 1915
Date of Death: October 10, 1985
Age at Death: 70
Is Orson Welles's father, Richard Hodgdon Head Welles, dead or alive?
Richard Hodgdon Head Welles's information is not available now.
Is Orson Welles's mother, Beatrice Ives, dead or alive?
Beatrice Ives's information is not available now.
Orson Welles - Biography
George Orson Welles was an American actor, director, writer, and producer who worked in theatre, radio, and film. He is remembered for his innovative work in all three: in theatre, most notably Caesar, a Broadway adaptation of William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar; in radio, the legendary 1938 broadcast "The War of the Worlds"; and in film, Citizen Kane (1941), consistently ranked as one of the greatest films ever made.
His first film was Citizen Kane (1941), which he co-wrote, produced, directed, and starred in as Charles Foster Kane. Welles was an outsider to the studio system and directed only 13 full-length films in his career. He struggled for creative control on his projects early on with the major film studios and later in life with a variety of independent financiers, and his films were either heavily edited or remained unreleased. His distinctive directorial style featured layered and nonlinear narrative forms, uses of lighting such as chiaroscuro, unusual camera angles, sound techniques borrowed from radio, deep focus shots, and long takes. He has been praised as "the ultimate auteur".
On the evening of October 9, 1985, Welles recorded his final interview on syndicated TV program The Merv Griffin Show, appearing with biographer Barbara Leaming. "Both Welles and Leaming talked of Welles's life, and the segment was a nostalgic interlude," wrote biographer Frank Brady. Welles returned to his house in Hollywood and worked into the early hours typing stage directions for the project he and Gary Graver were planning to shoot at UCLA the following day. Welles died sometime on the morning of October 10, following a heart attack. He was found by his chauffeur at around 10 a.m.; the first of Welles's friends to arrive was Paul Stewart.