Otto Schnellbacher Death
Otto passed away on March 10, 2008 at the age of 84.
When did Otto Schnellbacher die?
March 10, 2008How old was Otto Schnellbacher when died?
Otto Schnellbacher Birthday and Date of Death
Otto Schnellbacher was born on April 15, 1923 and died on March 10, 2008. Otto was 84 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: April 15, 1923
Date of Death: March 10, 2008
Age at Death: 84
Otto Schnellbacher - Biography
Otto Ole Schnellbacher (April 15, 1923 – March 10, 2008) was an American football defensive back in the National Football League for the New York Giants. He was a 2-time Pro Bowler. Also a professional basketball player, Schnellbacher played for the Basketball Association of America's Providence Steamrollers and St. Louis Bombers in 1948-49. In college, Schnellbacher was a two-sport star at the University of Kansas, earning him the nickname "the double threat from Sublette". On the gridiron, Schnellbacher, along with teammate Ray Evans, was KU's first football All-American in 1947. That same season, Schnellbacher led the Jayhawks to a Big 6 conference title and an Orange Bowl berth. Schnellbacher also excelled in basketball, where he was a four-time first-team all-conference selection (one of only three Jayhawks to do so). He was a member of the 1943 Big Six conference championship team (which also featured All-American teammates Charles B. Black and the aforementioned Ray Evans) that is regarded as one of the program's greatest teams.