

Is Parijat Dead or Still Alive? Parijat Birthday and Date of Death


Parijat Death

Parijat passed away in 1993 at the age of 56.

Parijat death quick facts:
  • When did Parijat die?

  • How old was Parijat when died?


Parijat Birthday and Date of Death

Parijat was born in 1937 and died in 1993. Parijat was 56 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1937
Date of Death: 1993
Age at Death: 56

Parijat - Biography

Parijat (Nepali: पारिजात) was a Nepalese writer. Her real name was Bishnu Kumari Waiba(Waiba is a subgroup of Tamang) but she wrote under the pen name Parijat (Parijat is a night-flowering fragrant jasmine flower). Her most acclaimed publication is Shiris Ko Phool (The Blue Mimosa), which has also been adapted in the literature curriculum of some colleges in some English-speaking countries like USA, England etc. Some of the notable universities where Parijat's Shirish Ko Phool was adopted as curriculum is the University of Maryland, USA.