Park Chung hee


Is Park Chung hee Dead or Still Alive? Park Chung hee Birthday and Date of Death

Park Chung hee

Park Chung hee Death

Park passed away on October 26, 1979 at the age of 61 in Gungjeong-dong, Seoul, South Korea. Park's cause of death was assassination.

Park Chung hee death quick facts:
  • When did Park Chung hee die?

    October 26, 1979
  • How did Park Chung hee die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Park Chung hee when died?

  • Where did Park Chung hee die? What was the location of death?

    Gungjeong-dong, Seoul, South Korea

Park Chung hee Birthday and Date of Death

Park Chung hee was born on November 14, 1917 and died on October 26, 1979. Park was 61 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 14, 1917
Date of Death: October 26, 1979
Age at Death: 61

Park Chung hee - Biography

Park Chung-hee (14 November 1917 – 26 October 1979) was a South Korean president and military general who led South Korea from 1961 until his assassination in 1979. Park seized power through the May 16 coup, a military coup d'état that overthrew the Second Republic of South Korea in 1961 and ruled as a military strongman at the head of the Supreme Council for National Reconstruction until his election and inauguration as the President of the Third Republic of South Korea in 1963. In 1972, Park declared martial law and recast the constitution into a highly authoritarian document, ushering in the Fourth Republic of South Korea. After surviving several assassination attempts, including two operations associated with North Korea, Park was eventually assassinated on 26 October 1979 by Kim Jae-gyu, the chief of his own security services. He had led South Korea for 18 years.